Privacy Policy, Cookies and GDPR
Last updated: November 26, 2024
Personal information
Personal information is all kinds of information that in some way refers to you. For more information see guidelines on personal information from The Danish Data Protection Agency.
Collection of information
Sensitive personal data: We do not collect personal information unless you voluntarily provide it to us by filling out forms or contacting us directly
Non-sensitive personal information: We use Google Analytics to collect non-sensitive personal information about your interactions with our websites, including email addresses, IP addresses, device type, browser type, visited pages, and the duration of the visit. This information helps us understand how visitors use our website and enables us to improve the user experience
If you contact us by mail or telephone, your inquiry and name will be registered with us. We use cloud solutions for our mail and administrative systems, and the data you send us will therefore be transmitted and possibly saved in our solutions i GCP (Google).
If you send us a job application, we will save it for six months. After six months, we delete your materials if you have not been employed.
Magenta uses MailChimp to send newsletters to subscribed recipients. MailChimp collects information in accordance with its own terms and privacy policy, which you can find here.
We have made technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal data will not accidentally or illegally become deleted, published, lost, deteriorated, land in the hands of unauthorized individuals, misused or in any other shape or form processed contrary to the legislation.
We save necessary information about you for the sole purpose of being able to answer your inquiry or process your job application.
If you are a customer at Magenta, we store your name, work title, work mail and work phone number, in addition to other relevant information about you that relates to our cooperation.
We have described processes for the handling, storing and deletion of personal information in our systems.
Insight and complaints
You are in every right to be informed of which personal information we process concerning you. You can at any given time file an objection towards the information used. If the information we have is wrong, you are in every right to have them adjusted or deleted. Inquiries can be sent to If you have any complaints about our method of processing personal data, it is also possible to contact The Danish Data Protection Agency.
Experts in GDPR og personal data legislation
Magenta is an expert in GDPR-legislation and development of software, which complies with the guidelines within the it area. We deliver consultant services within implementation of security measures and workflows that provide security to your organization and your employees.
We continuously develop software that complies to current legislation and demand to it-systems in Europe and Scandinavia.
Magenta’s websites consist of, and
The websites uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience and analyze traffic. On our websites, you can accept, reject or customize the use of these cookies, and you can change your cookie settings or withdraw your consent at any time through our cookie pop-up in the left corner of the websites.
The websites uses Google Analytics to analyze and report on user behavior. Google Analytics collects information in accordance with its own terms an privacy policy, which you can find here.
All of Magenta’s websites also use WordPress and an Elementor-plugin to manage content. Elementor uses LocalStorage og SessionStorage. The purpose of Elementors localStorage and sessionStorage data usage, is to ensure that the user is not greeted by the same popup every time they visit Magenta’s websites.
Below we have elaborated on how LocalStorage and SessionStorage work.
Cookies vs LocalStorage and SessionStorage
Cookies are text files, which are stored on your computer, phone or other electronic devices, that can be read/used by the cookie sender. This means that cookies can be used for tracking user behavior for example to store statistics or marketing.
LocalStorage og SessionStorage are two objects that are placed in your browser, but unlike cookies, the sender is not able to trace these. They are used solely by your own browser to ensure that the user is not greeted by the same popup on every page you load (SessionStorage). LocalStorage works in the same way as SessionStorage, but is saved in your browser for the next time you visit, ensuring that the browser can show the website that for example a popup has already been shown.
Magenta can not use SessionStorage or LocalStorage to track user behavior, either on Magentas websites or otherwise.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
We will continuously review and update our privacy policy.
This website is owned and published by:
Magenta – Open source it
Titangade 11
DK-2200 Copenhagen
+45 3336 9696
Silkeborgvej 260, 1st floor
DK-8230 Åbyhøj
+45 3336 9699
Imaneq 32A
3900 Nuuk, Greenland
+299 556675
The European Court of Justice has declared a new judgment on consent when storing cookies, which leads to new demands and rules for the cookieboxes on your homepage. The full judgment can be read here (Danish): C-673/17 af 1. oktober 2019. Subsequently, the Danish legal information,, has updated their guidance to the “Cookiebekendtgørelsen”.
Magenta has developed the Cookie Consent Component (CCC), that asks the users for permission to store information in their browser. Others have developed similar components, but the CCC differs in that the user has the possibility to withdraw their permission. This is an important detail, as the possibility of annulling consent is necessary to comply with Danish cookie-laws.